We have over 25 Years experience selling Top Quality non-shed Christmas Trees, Tree Stands, Wreaths, Door Swags, Christmas Planters & much more. Our friendly staff will help to make selecting YOUR Christmas Tree a pleasure. When you’ve selected your tree, we’ll wrap it for you, place it in your car & tie down the car boot, keeping your tree safe for the trip home.

Christmas Trees Finglas Ashbourne Dublin Meath
Cheapest Non Shed Christmas Trees Finglas Ashbourne Dublin Meath


At our Solid Fuel Depot we have all you need to keep warm this winter. Premium Coal, Briquettes, Logs, Turf & Kindling. Multi-buy Offers on all our fuels.

Cheapest Coal Prices Dublin


In our garden centre we have everything to take care of the Wild Birds in your garden, from Peanuts to Bird Seed to Fat Balls, Bird Feeders & more.

Best Wild Bird Seed Supplier in Finglas Dublin and Ashbourne Meath


We carry a full range of Bedding Plants. For Summer Colour, we have everything from Begonia to Verbena and everything in between. Petunia, Lobelia, Pansy, Marigold & much more, plus a full range of Patio Plants including the ever reliable Trailing Putunia. For Winter Colour, we have Pansy, Viola, Polyanthus & more to choose from.


And last but not least, don’t forget those Spring Bulbs. Daffodils, both tall & dwarf, Tulips, Crocus, Hyacinth & Snowdrops to name a few. Remember, Spring Bulbs must be planted in Autumn to provide that beautiful splash of colour the following spring.